Arman Molavi

Professional photographer in Paris
Des clichés qui racontent votre histoire.

Arman Molavi

Professional photographer in Paris
Des clichés qui racontent votre histoire.

Entrust Your Projects to an Expert

Highlight your photo album, book or corporate catalog with Arman Molavi, a professional photographer in Paris known for his sublime and natural photos. 
Each image is a work of art, capturing the essence of your most precious moments. For a result that exceeds your expectations, Arman Molavi will immortalize your events with style and elegance.

Immortalize Exceptional Moments

Our lives are dotted with unique moments that deserve to be preserved forever. Arman doesn't just freeze these moments, he sublimates them 
Arman's artistic photography transcends the simple capture of images to reveal the intrinsic beauty of each scene. His meticulous approach transforms each shot into a captivating visual narrative.

Art and Technique Combined

With Arman, you benefit from the expert eye and artistic sensitivity of an experienced photographer. 
Each photo is the result of a perfect synergy between advanced technology and creative vision. No matter the field: fashion, institutional photography, advertorial, or portrait.

The Creative Process

Creating the most beautiful photos requires patience and expertise. Arman excels in the art of taking advantage of natural and ambient light, capturing the perfect moment when the model reveals its authenticity and naturalness.
This patient and meticulous approach is the very essence of the artistic photography offered by Arman.

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